Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Easy Homemade Cheese Crackers

Tessa directed me to this excellent "real" food blog recently, and the recipe that intrigued me most was one for homemade cheese crackers. I get hungry very frequently, so I snack a lot. Nine times out of ten, I'm a salty snack craver, so I rummage for chips and salsa, hummus, nuts, etc., and this seemed like a much less processed way to get my cheesy-salty-crunchy fix.

They actually came out looking a little like butter cookies, but they tasted exactly like Cheese Nips. It's amazing. And they only have three ingredients. For my cheese, I used Seaside English Cheddar, and the crackers are delightful.

I'm reproducing the Leake family's recipe below, with a couple quick notes, because it was so fantastic and conscientious already that there wasn't much I wanted to change. There is a large amount of butter in them; however, they're the kind of snack you can eat four or five of and feel sated, so I don't see it as a problem, at least not for us. (To give you some perspective, a box of organic cheese crackers lasts about three days in our house. The single batch of crackers I made have been around for three full days already, and half of them are still sitting in an airtight tupperware container.)

1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
5 tbsp cold butter, cut into tablespoon-sized chunks
4 oz. of cheddar cheese, hand shredded or finely chopped

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine all three ingredients in a food processor and blend. The mixture will eventually turn into one big ball chasing itself around the bowl.* Be patient because it can take a few minutes.
3. Roll the ball into a log about 1 ½” in diameter. At this point you could refrigerate the dough until later.
4. With a sharp knife or waxed dental floss slice ¼” thick pieces off the log and place each one flat on an ungreased baking sheet. Try to rotate which side you are cutting down on because the top of the log does start to flatten a little. It is like your very own homemade slice and bake!
5. If you want your crackers to look a little fancy take a fork and gently mash down the top of each one before baking.
6. Bake for 12 – 14 minutes** or until golden brown.

*I have a three cup food processor, so my mixture did not become a ball or chase itself, because it wasn't physically possible. I just watched until the ingredients seemed to be uniformly mixed, then I scooped it all out onto my cutting board and rolled it into a log.

**I ended up baking mine for 20, even though my oven usually runs hot, to achieve a more cracker-like crunch on the bottom. They were not burned.

Serves six (4 crackers each).

Om nom nom

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